Today, a year ago, while I was traveling with my schoolmates in Ohio and took this photo, I received an email asking me to make a phone call and discuss a job opportunity. Four months later, I left school for the job in Washington DC, and since then, all the changes in my daily routines have made me think a lot and deeply about #purpose, broadly #LifePurpose. Basically, why do we do what we are doing?
After consulting diverse domains of thinking, I found all kinds of different of the same: Everyone is offering different answers to the same question on life purpose. These thoughts found in #science, #philosophy, and #spirituality are incredibly interesting, and inspiring. Empowering even. I personally see them as an antidote to chaotic mental health. They are the solution to fix the mind.
It’s probably helpful to put these thoughts into short, simplified, and easy to understand forms and house them under one multidisciplinary roof. So I will do. And this is my brand new #ProjectPurpose page. I’ll try to post one domain of thinking at a time here. From #evolution to #QuantumMechanics, and from #Buddha to #Nietzsche, you can expect to see a series of answers on life purpose. Mostly, short texts and graphics. And hopefully, videos with mediocre effects.
Not everyday, of course.